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Travian Hint : Task 11 Change Hero's Production

Travian Hint : Task 11 Change Hero’s Production

In Travian 4.0, Hero can give us bonus to the resources. This is the new feature that introduce in Travian 4.0. In task 11 from the Task Master, we are asked to change our hero's production. See this picture :     We were asked to change the Hero resource p ...

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Travian 4 : Hero Adventures

Travian 4 : Hero Adventures

As part of the new hero system in T4 (Travian Version 4.0), you can now send your hero on adventures, almost like mini quests for your hero. Only your hero goes on these, and will gain experience, resources, troops, valuable items, or nothing from these. To start the adventure, g ...

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Travian News : T4 With 8x Speed

Travian News : T4 With 8x Speed

| News, Travian 4 | No Comments

Travian is launching new server  'tx8' (as its address is ). Tx8  will be started this week. The version of the server is Travian 4 and speed is 8x. The start is on Wednesday, 19th of December 2012 @ 06:00 UTC+1. The preregistration will be opened on ...

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Travian Tool : Travian Quadrant Statistics

Travian Tool : Travian Quadrant Statistics

| Travian Tool | No Comments

As you acknowledge, in Travian, there are 4 (four) quadrant you can play on.  North East or NE in +/+ (x axes / y axes), South East or SE in +/-, South West or SW in -/-, and the last is North West or NW in -/+. When you start the game, you probably want to start/settle in the q ...

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Travian Hint : Hero Resource Production

Travian Hint : Hero Resource Production

In Travian 4, they introduce the new Hero attribute bonus : resource production. Resource production bonus increases the resource output of the village where the Hero is located. A Player can optionally to increase production of one resource only or to evenly spread the bonus acr ...

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Travian Tool: Cage Simulator

Travian Tool: Cage Simulator

In Travian 4, there is new system about nature units. We can trap them from an oasis to become our units. Nature units that already trapped and become our unit can not be moved, they will stay in a village to guard it. They consume 0 (zero) crops also. So, they are pretty handy t ...

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Travian Hint: Why do people choose Gauls ?

Travian Hint: Why do people choose Gauls ?

Why do people choose Gauls ? Brief information, Gauls have good defense units and also balance offense units. Their merchant is the fastest merchants in Travian. Also have the fastest (in speed) units like Theutates Thunder. For the details reasons, have your time to read this po ...

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Travian Hint: Effective Culture Points Building

Travian Hint: Effective Culture Points Building

Continuing my explanation about what building produce the most culture point (read here), now we will discuss about what building is the most effective culture point building. Before that, I will show you the table of the cheapest culture point building : Building Max ...

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Travian Hint: The Most Culture Points Building

Travian Hint: The Most Culture Points Building

Most of the things you build will be producing culture points, more with each upgrade. Go to your palace or residence to see current production of that village and the total and the target number for the next village. Different buildings generate different amounts of culture p ...

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Travian Signature: Rev 4 Forum Signature

Travian Signature: Rev 4 Forum Signature

For those who seeks for custom forum signature for your Travian, here is your right place. We proudly present the new revision of Travian Signature for your forum or any other website you belongs. In this rev.4, we make it still in Travian 4 looks and feel, with some non Travian ...

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